This article appeared in the June magazine and already some interest has been shown in the group:
“A member of our u3a has made a proposal to form a Craft Group. Jenny envisages that it will be a group of like-minded crafty people working on their own proįects and sharing skills and ideas. It will not be a class, but shared knowledge to help and encourage everyone in the group. The group will be open to everyone regardless of their experience. If it is appropriate there could be small groups working on specific proįects, something new or sharing a specific skill. Jenny’s experience in crafts includes the following:
- Patchwork Quilting
- Dolls House Miniatures i.e. making 6” ceramic dolls, clothing and furniture
- Rag Dolls
- Knitting and Crochet Embroidery (attempting stump-work at the moment)
- Cross Stitch
- Dressmaking
- Clay work
I’ve found from past experience that participating in the formation of a new group creates a strong friendship bond between the members, so I encourage anyone interested in attending and įoining a discussion with Jenny as to how the group could work to contact her (email Jenny Newman, or phone 07743 412271); and she will attempt to find an initial date and place to meet you all. (When replying could you please indicate days, morning, afternoon or evening, that you could attend.)”
At the August monthly meeting, Jenny and Jan, another enthusiast of the ‘new’ group, brought along some samples of their work and the crafts they hope to pursue with others; Jenny will also encourage members to follow their own crafts to hopefully share with the other group members.
With the winter coming, now is a good time to think about these indoor projects and if you are interested do contact Jenny
-Diane Caulkett