Well hello and welcome from the new Chair - as I’m sure you know at last month’s AGM I took over the Chair’s role from Dave Rae, who had held the position for the last three years.
He did a fantastic job alongside the rest of the committee steering the organisation through a particularly difficult time.
I very much look forward to continuing his, and all the good work of the committee. On a positive note Dave has kindly agreed to stay on as Vice Chair so he can keep me on the straight and narrow!
We have a busy few months ahead of us with the Burnham on Crouch Carnival, more about that and how you can get involved later in the magazine, and of course our own 25th Anniversary and what we can do to mark the fantastic milestone.
On a personal note since becoming Chair, it has been my pleasure to have met most of the group leaders and to get their ideas of how the committee can best support them and their groups. I will over the coming year attempt to visit all of the interest groups to meet as
many of you as possible.
Looking forward to the next twelve months together.