Artisan Craft Group

Status:Active, open to new members
Jenny Newman Tel: 07743 412271
Group email: Artisan Craft group
When: Monthly on Thursday afternoons 2:00 PM
2nd Thursday of the month
Venue: King's Hall

24th October 2024

Hello Everyone,

Our first meeting of Artisan Crafts took place this month and was enjoyed by 10 new members. It was lovely to see the shared interest uniting people some of whom had never met before.

Future meetings will be held in the Kings Hall on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 2.00 to

4.00 p.m. So the next meeting will be on the 14th November. (The Kings Hall is behind the Constitutional Club with a good car park, entrance via Chapel Road.). Come along for a visit to what I have to say is already a very friendly group.

It seems we have a good variety of experience in many crafts together with some members new to the theme. If you would like to join us you can contact me Jenny Newman or telephone 07743 412271. Or just turn up.

If you have something you maybe started a while back and got stuck with or just have lost the incentive to get back to, bring it along, there will be someone there who will be able to help. If you know someone who would like to join us just bring them with you. So long as they are a member or intend to join the u3a, no problem.

See you Thursday 14th November.
-Jenny Newman

First Meeting - Thursday 24th October from 2.00 to 4.00 pm in the United Reformed Church Hall, Station Road, Burnham CM0 8HF

Hello Everyone, I hope you are all able to come along to our first meeting.

Up for discussion and decision: When we will meet and where;  What format you would like the meeting to take. Please feel free to bring along any projects you have already started or are stuck with.

There will be a chance to have a cuppa and biscuits (yes you may have more than one) while we decide as a group how to progress. I will sadly have to request a small payment from each of you of £1 or £2 to cover the cost of the hall depending how many people attend.

If you can’t make the first meeting but are interested in joining us please email me and I will keep you informed of upcoming meetings. If you know anyone who would be interested in joining us, so long as they take membership of u3a (this is for insurance cover) they will be more than welcome.

I am looking forward to meeting you all.
-Jenny Newman